Logan Basic Chiropractic Technique | Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique | Impulse Adjusting Technique
At Chapman Chiropractic Center, the doctors have chosen to use three low-force adjusting procedures, Logan Basic Chiropractic Technique, Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique, and Impulse Technique. These chiropractic adjusting procedures are extremely safe, precise and effective. Patients also enjoy receiving their adjustments because all of these adjusting procedures are very comfortable and gentle.
The Logan Basic Chiropractic Technique is a low force chiropractic adjustment which is delivered with the hands. This adjusting procedure was developed by Dr. Hugh B. Logan and is one of the core techniques taught at Logan College of Chiropractic, St. Louis, MO. Because the Logan Basic Chiropractic Technique is both gentle and effective, it is appropriate for patients of all ages.
The Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique is a low force chiropractic adjustment which involves the use of a hand held instrument called an Activator. The use of the Activator allows the Doctors to be very specific and precise about the amount of force she uses to deliver each adjustment. In addition to the spine, the precision of the Activator allows the smaller joints of the body to also be adjusted effectively - wrists, ankles, elbows, shoulders, hips, etc.
The Impulse Adjusting Technique is also a low force chiropractic adjustment which involves the use of a hand held instrument called an Impulse Adjuster. The Doctors often use a combination of the Activator and the Impulse Adjuster to deliver gentle, effective, specific chiropractic adjustments to the spine as well as the extremity joints of the body.
At Chapman Chiropractic Center, Dr. Chapman often uses Cold Laser Therapy as a complementary treatment to her chiropractic adjustments. Cold Laser Therapy is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug-free treatment which is used to treat a variety of pain syndromes, injuries and neurological conditions.
Cold Laser Therapy can be used any time a patient requests or needs a drug-less procedure for the control of pain, when conventional therapies have been ineffective, or when the acceleration of healing from injuries is desired.
Healing with the use of light is not new. Light therapy was reported to be effective for many conditions by Hippocrates. With the development of the laser and its special properties, using light as a treatment has gained more popularity. This is because we can now use specific wavelengths of light and give accurately measured doses of energy directly to the appropriate treatment site, which was not possible with other light sources.
Low level lasers supply energy to the body in the form of non-thermal photons of light. Light is transmitted through the skin’s layers (the dermis, epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue or tissue fat under the skin) at all wavelengths in the visible range. However, light waves in the near infrared ranges penetrate the deepest of all light waves in the visible spectrum. When low level laser light waves penetrate deeply into the skin, they optimize the immune responses of our blood. This has both anti-inflammatory and immunostimulate effects. It is a scientific fact that light transmitted to the blood in this way has positive effects throughout the whole body, supplying vital oxygen and energy to every cell.